
Showing posts from October, 2022

Books and my emotions.

The word "book" is an emotion (at least for me). Books are those things which make our mind either stable or unstable. A single story can make us go crazy for the next part of the story. A story can break us as well! Anything can be shown in the forms of stories and books are the best things to show anything in perfect way. Coming to my part, stationary is my favorite word and books are my favorite perfumes (XD). Right from my childhood, I was a good reader. There are many books which made me. This article is about those books I used to love when I was a child.  My first ever story book was "tinkle". It was love and literally taught me a lot of things like helping others, being there for the people who need us, etc. My father reads a lot too! He is one of the most intelligent people I met in my life. He loves reading and understanding things. He is my pillar and my motivation to do anything in my life. I always wanted to be like him in my childhood so I used to read