What exactly is done by a Product Manager? What are his responsibilities?

Product Manager roles are becoming famous these days. Many CEOs were once product managers and did that do them any profit? Let us go further in reading more about product management.

Product Manager role is a role where a person/employee is a manager/charge of a product or a component of a product that is widely used by people at a place or a country. The product manager identifies the problem or needs of a customer and develop or build the product according to their needs. Basically it's like turning a vision into reality. Yeah in my terms he manages really hard to get stuff done. I mean, people have to work hard at the end of the day to get what they want or achieve what they want right?

Not just being famous, this is one of the highly paying jobs in the world(Yeeah true I did my research yo).

Roles of a Product manager:

1. Understanding the needs of user

2. Being able to represent and make changes in the product for development

3. Designing a vision for the product

4. Aligning the stakeholders around vision for the product

5. prioritizing product features and working towards the development of the product

6. Creating a shared brain across larger teams to empower independent decision-making

It's a lot of work I know right!

Few people say it's better to be a developer and individual contributor instead of being a product owner or a product manager. My neighbour is working in Oracle from 10 years and she says she's happy in a tech lead role. She doesn't even have any intentions to go to managerial positions. Why do people think that way? Not sure(I conducted a survey on it though). 

Anyways, to know more about this, follow the below link and get more details!



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