Dot com Crash

This is one of the terrible market crashes of the history of stock market crashes and god tier effort to reach the peak back again.

I'll explain this in a very good simple terms so that we can actually know what happened. Like a story.

So, previously, for the developing dot com cute blue chip tech companies like Cisco, Intel, Oracle, etc. they had nice boom. Not just these, many other companies had crazy growth back then from 1995 to 2000. Value of equity markets grew up exponentially and literally the stock market rose 5-fold between 1995 to 2000 with technology-dominated NASDAQ index raising from under 1000 to more than 5000. 

Now comes the main part. The crash. 

This crash literally made things much worse till an extent that the crazy increased 5-fold index of NASDAQ has gone to thousands again like before. Talking about figures, from a peak of 5,048.62 on March 10th 2000 to 1,139.90 on Oct 44th, 2002, a 76.81% fall was seen by NASDAQ(that's so sad guys seriously).

I mean, my mind thinks "Shit man, I should've made investment in 2002 for those companies" but yea I was a 3-year old kid back then so I couldn't. 

By the end of 2001, all the cute companies that made profits went bust. I mean, all the dotcom stocks went bust. Oracle and few other companies literally lost more than 80% of their value.

It literally took 15 years for NASDAQ to reach the peak again. It happened on April 24th, 2015.  

Why did this dot-com crash happen? What are the most effected companies? Does other crashes match the intensity of this? 

Well, one of the reasons I understood for this was onset of a recession in Japan in March 2000. This made people and world get scared and kind of triggered them to sell off, and making them shift to more safer and fixed-income instruments like bonds.

The other reason might be the increase in the interest rates or we can say "rising interest rates". Apparently the federal reserve raised the fed funds rate several times over the course of the years 1999 and 2000. As we know, higher interest rates? No thanks. I'd rather move out and go to interest-paying assets like bonds ahaha.

Well, anyways that had ended now, 

To learn more about it, visit the following links:


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