My experience with iQuHack 2023 by MIT

Honestly, as someone who's not so much into Quantum Computing, this is a really good start. I mean, if you want to learn something, it's better to do theoretical studies with some practical experience. This is one of those hackathons that helped me learn application of Quantum Computing in a better way. I was a new bee in this field and I literally participated coz I wanted to learn more with practical knowledge and my crush was also there XD (Joke :P). That turned out to be a very good thing for me. 

iQuHack (interdisciplinary Quantum Hackathon) is an annual Quantum hackathon conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology every year. Participants are selected on merit basis and experience in the fields of Quantum Computing helps as well. This hackathon can be participated by students from High School to working professional in their early stages of career. This hackathon is conducted by iQuISE (Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering), a student-led organization of graduate students and post-docs with interests in experimental and theoretical quantum information science, computation and communication. 

This hackathon was organized as both in-person and remote event. in-person participation gets access to work in quantum hardware and develop, deploy their products there!! (sounds exciting for me tho) :')

Remote participation involves solving the challenges virtually with the help of teams formed virtually. I formed a team of 5 people from different countries (it was fun) and we coordinated with each other to solve challenges given.

The companies involved in this year for iQuHack were Microsoft, Covalent x IBM, QuEra, Quantinuum, IonQ and Social Impact. Each held a workshop before releasing the challenges and made sure that all the resources are provided for a smooth hackathon experience. 

The Microsoft challenge for remote participants was about optimizing quantum circuits and more specifically, quantum oracles. Each quantum oracle will be given with a function that has to be rewritten to maintain it's correctness. There were 9 challenges overall and top-3 scorers get the prizes.

The IonQ challenge was a quantum machine learning project in which the team has to encode a image dataset into quantum circuits, run it through machine learning algorithms and classify images with right labels. This was quite challenging and this also came with more presents than Microsoft apparently (just a talk hehe XD)

The hackathon was a smooth process with all the participants connecting in the slack platform and public groups made it easier for everyone to form teams for themselves. I made a lot of friends and got really good connections in this hackathon that can help me in future for my development in Quantum Field. 

If you are someone who's into Quantum computing and other Quantum fields, enroll yourself into this hackathon in the coming year!

More details about this can be found in the following links:

about iQuHack -

about iQuISE -


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