Oh my review on chatGPT

 I don't know what to even talk but trust me, that's a great work. ChatGPT is really amazing! I even fought with it for not telling me what corn to eat (sweet or normal).

There are many pros I found with this ChatGPT but there are many cons as well. Like reducing the mental work of people who completely depend on this. It is good too because it is reducing the work of human but sometimes it is wrong. 

For example, if I want to build a website of my own and ask ChatGPT to build it, it really does! If I want to study something but I'm not able to do it, it'll explain me in a detailed way. Everything is easy with ChatGPT but what about the programmers? What's gonna happen with those hardworking developers who work their asses off for building something ? 

I guess every time technology upgrades, we need to upgrade too. We did that from many generations and now, with this, I hope we do the same. There are many other errors with ChatGPT as well like giving out long answers, traffic issues, etc. I personally found a problem where I made a rude statement and asked if I was disrespecting. It gave me same answer for both the questions once. After a hour when I did the same, it gave me different answers. It depends on traffic prolly I guess. 


If you are a new user, click on sign up and you see options to register.

1. Sign up with the help of "Google account" or "Microsoft account".

2. Verification is done with the help of phone number and your account is opened properly. 

3. later you are free to text!!

The ChatGPT window opens and you will see many options there like "Examples", "Capabilities" and "Limitations".

Later, you can start texting!


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