
Moving to a different country as a master's student

Since I turned 18, I always wanted to get out of the house and live independently. Being come from an orthodox family who never sent their daughter out of house(not even to hostel), I understand the struggle of finally being away from family. it's a freedom that comes with a price of not being lazy anymore.  I have begun my master's in Information Technology at Northwestern University, one of the most reputed universities in the world. It is a great news and I was super excited but here comes the thing. Once you reach United States from India(or any country away from home), you get to do things by yourself. NO ONE WILL BE THERE TO HELP YOU LIKE YOUR PARENTS DID.  You enter a new place with new people and new problems. You get to do everything by yourself. From buying what you need to managing your expenses, you will see the difference in everything. First two weeks are living hell since you know none and if you are an introvert finding trouble to talk to people, you're done

What exactly is done by a Product Manager? What are his responsibilities?

Product Manager roles are becoming famous these days. Many CEOs were once product managers and did that do them any profit? Let us go further in reading more about product management. Product Manager role is a role where a person/employee is a manager/charge of a product or a component of a product that is widely used by people at a place or a country. The product manager identifies the problem or needs of a customer and develop or build the product according to their needs. Basically it's like turning a vision into reality. Yeah in my terms he manages really hard to get stuff done. I mean, people have to work hard at the end of the day to get what they want or achieve what they want right? Not just being famous, this is one of the highly paying jobs in the world(Yeeah true I did my research yo). Roles of a Product manager: 1. Understanding the needs of user 2. Being able to represent and make changes in the product for development 3. Designing a vision for the product 4. Aligning

Management tips : Harvard Business Review

As we all know, Harvard business school is a dream school for all the business grads and it is one of my dream schools too!(after IESE and Stanford Graduate School of Business). It is so hard to get into Harvard Business School and once you're in, your life is changed. I was so ambitious and I tried using my social media( Linkedin ) to connect with the alumni from Harvard Business School and guess what? It took them 6 years to actually get considered and their profile is dope af. It was amazing. Entrepreneur and 4 years of prior experience in JP Morgan Chase &  Co. I know I can't get into Harvard Business School but I really wanted to stand out and be in top list.  My craziness increased to an extent that I started ordering Harvard merch and one day while I was exploring some books in crossword, I noticed a book called Management tips : Harvard Business Review. It was an amazing book trust me, I just loved the way it was and it has divisions called "Manage yourself&quo

Oh my review on chatGPT

 I don't know what to even talk but trust me, that's a great work. ChatGPT is really amazing! I even fought with it for not telling me what corn to eat (sweet or normal). There are many pros I found with this ChatGPT but there are many cons as well. Like reducing the mental work of people who completely depend on this. It is good too because it is reducing the work of human but sometimes it is wrong.  For example, if I want to build a website of my own and ask ChatGPT to build it, it really does! If I want to study something but I'm not able to do it, it'll explain me in a detailed way. Everything is easy with ChatGPT but what about the programmers? What's gonna happen with those hardworking developers who work their asses off for building something ?  I guess every time technology upgrades, we need to upgrade too. We did that from many generations and now, with this, I hope we do the same. There are many other errors with ChatGPT as well like giving out long a

QHack 2023

Known for it's speciality as one of the famous hackathons, QHack is back again with many surprises like every time! Are you someone with the enthusiasm to learn Quantum Computing(any quantum field)? This one's for you.. QHack is an annual Quantum Hackathon conducted in collaboration with many sponsors like IBM, Covalent, IonQ, Xanadu, atom computing, etc and it is one of the most happening events of every year! Like mentioned in the description of the event, we can consider it as an event or expo or hackathon or a scientific conference as well! So, what does this event have? This Quantum party consists of events like streaming sessions, coding challenges, open hackathon, puzzle contest, meme contest and repost raffle. Every event is curated in a unique way so that all participants find it interesting to be a part of it.  The hackathon starts at 13th of February and it goes till 28th of February. There is a schedule designed for each day and it can be accessed in the official we

Dot com Crash

This is one of the terrible market crashes of the history of stock market crashes and god tier effort to reach the peak back again. I'll explain this in a very good simple terms so that we can actually know what happened. Like a story. So, previously, for the developing dot com cute blue chip tech companies like Cisco, Intel, Oracle, etc. they had nice boom. Not just these, many other companies had crazy growth back then from 1995 to 2000. Value of equity markets grew up exponentially and literally the stock market rose 5-fold between 1995 to 2000 with technology-dominated NASDAQ index raising from under 1000 to more than 5000.  Now comes the main part. The crash.  This crash literally made things much worse till an extent that the crazy increased 5-fold index of NASDAQ has gone to thousands again like before. Talking about figures, from a peak of 5,048.62 on March 10th 2000 to 1,139.90 on Oct 44th, 2002, a 76.81% fall was seen by NASDAQ(that's so sad guys seriously). I mean, m

My experience with iQuHack 2023 by MIT

Honestly, as someone who's not so much into Quantum Computing, this is a really good start. I mean, if you want to learn something, it's better to do theoretical studies with some practical experience. This is one of those hackathons that helped me learn application of Quantum Computing in a better way. I was a new bee in this field and I literally participated coz I wanted to learn more with practical knowledge and my crush was also there XD (Joke :P). That turned out to be a very good thing for me.  iQuHack (interdisciplinary Quantum Hackathon) is an annual Quantum hackathon conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology every year. Participants are selected on merit basis and experience in the fields of Quantum Computing helps as well. This hackathon can be participated by students from High School to working professional in their early stages of career. This hackathon is conducted by iQuISE (Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering), a student-led o